Taco Tuesday, that’s what’s for dinner!
Hi Friends,
I gave you the recipe of how we fix steaks last week and this is what we do with them when we make extra! We make Tacos.
This is an easy, easy recipe! It’s not really a taco as in the traditional taco seasonings but since I put it in a tortilla, my husband calls it a taco.
I have been making this recipe for quite a few years and my husband and daughter eat it up.
Take the leftovers from any steak that you made, if you have leftovers that is! We always seem to make extra for this very reason. Slice it as thin as humanly possible and hopefully you like it medium rare like us because when you cook it up, it is the perfect doneness!
Slice or chop your onions and bell peppers.
Warm your tortillas up. I prefer to warm them in a warm pan, no oil. I turn my pan on medium heat and when the tortilla starts to bubble on the top, flip it over and wait for it to start to bubble again. It’s done! Should be brown on both sides. Take it off the heat. You can set them in a warm oven while you make the tacos.
Heat up your cast iron pan to medium high heat. When it starts smoking, add about 1-2 Tablespoons of oil, add your onions and peppers. Stir them around until your desired doneness and add the thinly sliced beef. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. You just basically want to heat the meat through. This takes about a minute or two and then take the meat out of the pan.
That is it!
Time to assemble:

This taco has ranch dressing, cooked onions and peppers, taco sauce, and steak.
I lay a warm tortilla down, spread sour cream, greek yogurt, or ranch dressing over the tortilla. Usually, it is ranch dressing because I don’t always have the others on hand.

This taco has greek yogurt, raw onions, and taco sauce
Add the meat mixture, taco sauce, and then top it off with cheddar or monetary jack cheese. You can add a squeeze of lime juice, cilantro, different cheeses, any kind of toppings you like on your taco.

- frying pan
- Cast iron pan
- Steak amount desired
- sour cream, greek yogurt or ranch dressing amount desired
- 1 onions chopped/sliced
- 1/2 - 1 green, red, yellow or orance pepper chopped/sliced
- Cheddar or Monterey Jack Cheese
- Taco Sauce
- Salt & Pepper
Do you make taco’s like this?
Tell me in the comments!