Do you like your deviled eggs sweet or savory?
My mom has always made deviled eggs on the sweet side. I knew of no other way. She made them with sweet relish, a little mustard, mayo, and 1000 Island dressing.
It wasn’t until I went to a friend’s house that I was introduced to the more savory side of deviled eggs. I remember seeing the eggs thinking ‘oh boy’, I can’t wait to eat them and promptly put 3 on my plate. I took a big bite, half the egg, and almost spit it back out. It was different. It’s not what mom makes, I thought! Yes, I was polite and ate the rest of them but I did not like them. They were made with a lot more mustard and vinegar. EW!!
So from that point on, I knew not all deviled eggs were created equal.
Let’s get to the recipe. Oh, and I usually don’t measure anything because I have been making them so long but the ingredients vary anyway depending on how many eggs you boil.
Deviled Eggs
- 7 Eggs
- 2-3 Tbsp. Sweet Relish
- 3-4 Tbsp. Mayonnaise
- 2-3 tsp. Thousand Island Dressing
- ½-1 tsp. Mustard any kind
Do you like sweet or savory?
Let me know in the comments.
I’m with you all the way. My Momma Ali mad he devil eggs on the sweet side. That only way I’ll eat them. I think this recipe goes way back. Today everyone wants to try something different. My Momma didn’t use thousand island dressing though she jut added a little sweet pickle juice from the relish. Thanks fo sharing. I hop many people will try our way n they’ll find they’ll like em a lot better this way. 😆
You’re so sweet! There are so many ways to make these but the best way is the way our mama’s taught us. Thanks for stopping by!