I still haven’t finished my latest project yet but I’m working on it. I thought I would share my recent finds with you. Some are from last weeks yard sales and some are from this Saturday.
I don’t know about your part of the world bur here in mine it is sooooooooo hot. 99 degrees hot! And I don’t wanna work outside lol.
Don’t you just love this??? I love pooh and the watch is so adorable and never worn. Not sure if it works but will can add a battery if need be.
I will add it to my store in case you are interested!
I love me some doilies. You can never have to many, right?
I used to make them but stopped and some times you can find them pretty cheap.
These are all in excellent shape and the last one has just a little something on it if you look hard to find it.
Love this mirror, think I will paint it white.
The cute little “B” that was brand new in the wrapper for .25 cents.
Don’t you love this bird cage, the whole bottom opens up. Makes it easy to decorate.
Love these also. The inside is lined in red.
Someone had something in there that smelled really good.
Found some legs. Alway buy legs, you can figure out what you want to add them to later, lol.
And lets not forget Tio.
He loves taking rides and
yard sales, lol.
So what kind of things did you find this week or last that you love?
Have a wonderful week!!
Hi Cheryl – looks like you found some sweet treasures! Love the doilies – so much time to make them and so under-appreciated! The birdcage is wonderful and the mirror will be so pretty painted white. Tio is so adorable. Recently I found an old wooden step-stool. I love them for plant stands. It has been hot here, too, in WA state, but tonight it finally clouded over with a little rain. I'm not a fan of heat either. Hope your week is sweet. xx Karen